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About us

Tripus is the leading manufacturer of complete switch-plug combinations for the DIY and construction industry in Europe. With over 60 years of experience and highly motivated employees, we ensure the highest quality and powerful reliability.

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Family oriented company founded at Günzburg.
Starting with injection mouldings, mould construction, housing mounting and wiring.

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Our products are designed, built and tested in accordance with the relevant national and international regulations.

  • Certificate – ISO 9001
  • Certificate – VDE – BR-01 Serie
  • Certificate – VDE – TP3250

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We produce every single component
in our factories in Germany and Poland.

Over 0 years of Experience in electric branch.

0 employees with unique knowledge and experience.

0 Clients in Europe.

Product portfolio of Tripus consists over 0 different solutions.

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Direct Starters

Direct starter or Direct on-line (DOL) is the simplest form of motor starter. This method starting cage motors, the motor is connected using a starter across the full supply voltage. Depending upon size and design, motor might takes a low-power starting current about 5 to 7 times its full-load current. In normal conditions such currents […]


Different types of loads, such as resistive, inductive, or motor loads, place varying demands on a contactor. Inductive loads, like motors or transformers, require contactors that can handle high inrush currents, while resistive loads, such as heating elements, place a more constant demand on the contactor.

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